Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2013

Let's help the economy!

Every town/country needs a harbour. Therefore I built one...and set it on fire...oops.

Here we see me starting building the harbour. In the background we see a lamp-thingy. That lamp is located right next to the path going from the mountain-house (last post) to the underground station.

Here we see the harbour-progress from the other side of the little river.

More building. I had to dig out the entire area and then replace it with cobblestone.

More replacing...

More replacing...btw: here we can see one of the red sheep I used for all the wool I needed xD got some on the main island aswell :)

*cough* cheater *cough*. No I didn't cheat. Only used the fly mod to show you a bit more of the place. Here we can see the entire harbour and the path that leads from the house to the underground station-

More building...



Staring contest with the sheep.

Lost the contest. Now proceeding to kill the sheep.

Harbour work, used fly mod again.

More building. Started removing the little hill so I had a flat area.

As I am using an enchanted shovel (what is that enchantment called that gives you the block in the state it was when you mined it? o.O).

 Picked up all the blocks. Now starting to put down cobblestone...

Putting down the cobblestone...


Nearly done...

FUCK YEAH! Finally done. Took me a few hours ¬_¬

View from the harbour.

View from above...I like using fly mod xD

I actually have no fucking idea what I am doing in this picture.......

Built stairs from the path to the harbour.

I built two stairs that are connected underground by this tunnel.

More tunnel...same tunnel btw.

Started building a house. Looks pretty fancy :D

Built a second house. Looks like the first one...

View to the water...

View from the path. In the distance we see the two houses.

Needed a third house...for no reason...

Sunset...or sunrise? I am not sure...

Building four more houses...

Picture from a rooftop. Sunset or rise? I have no fucking idea.

Got eight houses now.

 Added a fountain.

View from the path again.

 Burned the houses down. Looked fucking stupid. After that I ragequit and when I reconnected started a new building project.


Got myself some TNT >:)

Aaaaand the houses are gone.

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